Getting Started With Arduino | Everything You Need to Know About Arduino

Getting Started With Arduino | Everything You Need to Know About Arduino

Hi Geeks! I’m gonna introduce an amazing electronics prototyping platform called ARDUINO. Many of you are already aware of this wonderful electronics development platform. Of course, this is designed to meet electronics hobbyists and geeks. I strongly recommend this tool for Engineering students who are…

How to Do Seven Segment Display Multiplexing with PIC Microcontroller for Electronic Sign
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How to Do Seven Segment Display Multiplexing with PIC Microcontroller for Electronic Sign

Hi there, today I’m gonna give you some PIC interfacing circuits. We have already seen how to connect the LCD display to PIC MCU which has a great role in the electronic display board industry. By the way, how do we interface 7…

Object Detecting Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877A
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Object Detecting Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot Using PIC Microcontroller 16F877A

Today I came up with another engineering project for electronics and communication students. It’s an Android mobile phone controlled Bluetooth robot using a PIC microcontroller with object detecting capability. After installing MikroElectron’s Robot Control App from Play Store you should be able…

How to Interface I2C External EEPROM 24LC64 to PIC Microcontroller
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How to Interface I2C External EEPROM 24LC64 to PIC Microcontroller

Microcontrollers are standalone chips since they have memory and processor embedded. The integrated memory of microcontrollers stores embedded code and other temporary variables for the execution of the program. CircuitsGallery published many microcontroller tutorials and PIC microcontroller projects. Sometimes we may use…

Getting started with PIC Microcontroller Programming

Getting started with PIC Microcontroller Programming

PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller) is a microcontroller family. It is developed by Microchip Technology. It plays important role in embedded systems. Low cost, serial programming capability, reprogramming of the flash memory, availability of free developing tools, large user database, etc. are some…

Arduino Simulator Using Proteus Library | Simulate Arduino in Proteus
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Arduino Simulator Using Proteus Library | Simulate Arduino in Proteus

Hi there! Today let’s make an Arduino project without having a real Arduino board! Yes, it’s possible by dint of Arduino simulator using Proteus library. Maybe you have already seen (or will see) Arduino programming in some of my articles. Arduino is…