How to Test an Amplifier with an Oscilloscope | A Comprehensive Guide

How to Test an Amplifier with an Oscilloscope | A Comprehensive Guide

Oscilloscope testing of amplifiers is a useful method for assessing their performance and identifying problems with audio systems. An oscilloscope gives you the ability to see electrical impulses and measure different parameters, which helps you understand how the amplifier behaves. …

Oscilloscope Probe X1 X10 Difference | Detection and Compensation of Probes

Oscilloscope Probe X1 X10 Difference | Detection and Compensation of Probes

Passive voltage scope probes are classified into two types. They are usually labeled X1 and X10, while 1X and 10X are occasionally observed. The term relates to the factor by which the probe multiplies the impedance of the scope itself. …

Oscilloscope Bandwidth Vs Sample Rate | Understanding the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Sample Rate

Oscilloscope Bandwidth Vs Sample Rate | Understanding the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Sample Rate

Bandwidth and sample rate are the two most important features of an oscilloscope. Bandwidth is the frequency range that an oscilloscope can accurately measure. And sample rate is the number of data readings that an oscilloscope takes per second. Bandwidth…