How to Touch Live Wire Without Getting Shocked | 5 Techniques Explained
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How to Touch Live Wire Without Getting Shocked | 5 Techniques Explained

It may seem impossible to touch a live wire without getting shocked, yet there are precise ways that can make this possible. Simple but effective safety measures, including wearing insulated shoes, checking that the area is dry, and keeping one…

Thermal Diffusivity vs Thermal Conductivity | Battle of Importance in Relation to Heat Flux

Thermal Diffusivity vs Thermal Conductivity | Battle of Importance in Relation to Heat Flux

Thermal diffusivity describes how quickly heat spreads within a material. And thermal conductivity measures how effectively a material conducts heat. The Former, thermal diffusivity (α) represents the material’s ability to respond to changes in temperature. It describes how quickly heat…

Does Silicone Caulk Conduct Electricity | A Comprehensive Analysis

Does Silicone Caulk Conduct Electricity | A Comprehensive Analysis

Usually no. But, Silicone caulks boast excellent electrical properties and can be manufactured to be insulated with high dielectric strength, or moreover electrically conductive. That means due to its semi-conductor nature Silicone caulks are manufactured to be electrically conductive or…