[Explained] Which Type of Energy Requires a Closed Circuit?

[Explained] Which Type of Energy Requires a Closed Circuit?

Electricity has become an integral part of our daily lives. From powering appliances and devices in our homes to enabling communication networks and transportation, we heavily depend on electrical energy. But how exactly does this magical phenomenon of electricity work?…

Can Two Circuits Share a Ground | Exploring the Viability of Ground Sharing

Can Two Circuits Share a Ground | Exploring the Viability of Ground Sharing

Sharing a ground wire between circuits may work from an electrical standpoint, but may not be permitted by local electrical codes. It is unwise to install electrical circuits that do not comply with local codes. It’s illegal, dangerous, and can…

Common Modulation Transmitters | Circuits and Simulation Matlab Codes| AM, FM, ASK, PSK, OOK
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Common Modulation Transmitters | Circuits and Simulation Matlab Codes| AM, FM, ASK, PSK, OOK

If you are looking for easy and smart electronic projects, we suggest you go for the transmitter projects. You can find many projects with transmitters circuits but in this article, we’ve discussed 8 unique and easy-to-make projects of common modulation…

Multivibrator Circuits and Calculators for Digital Control | 555 Timer Projects
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Multivibrator Circuits and Calculators for Digital Control | 555 Timer Projects

You may be familiar with the multivibrator which is an electronic circuit that generates square, rectangular, and pulse waveforms, which are also known as nonlinear oscillators or function generators. It’s basically a two-amplifier circuit arranged with regenerative feedback. Now, let’s…